Monday, 13 February 2012

Delicious Domesticity

So, yesterday was baking day in our household (Bob made two delicious loaves of wholemeal bread) and I'm trying to improve my baking skills.

This is tricky given that my 2 year old insists on being involved in the whole process - her contributions seem to be stirring and eating and her stirring skills need improvement...

I realised I read a lot of food blogs and drool over the recipes but don't actually make anything so I have resolved to start baking what I covet!

My first attempt is from a favourite The Bitten Word. The guys on this blog decided to start blogging their attempts at recipes from their vast magazine collection and this recipe is originally from Martha Stewart Living.

I didn't have time for the compote and I wasn't that keen on the ganache (I like the freshness of blood oranges and felt the chocolate might take from that)but the cake is surprisingly easy to make and the result was delicious.

I'm going to make this one again...

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