Tuesday, 21 February 2012

Delicious Domesticity - Crispy Honey Nut Granola Bars

So, I know they're not healthy but they're probably better than store bought bars, right? That's the reasoning I use when I make things for the kids...
Read: I really want to eat them but can't justify making them just for me.

Anyway, I found them on Metrocureun through another blog I follow and they seemed pretty easy to make, so with a little help from a certain toddler we whipped them up the other day with ok results. My oven is a little hotter on one side and due to a toy emergency they were left a little too long facing one way and came out slightly (a lot!) browner on one side.

The bars tasted pretty good, but not as good as flapjacks. They did taste great as granola though so if I made them again it would be for a fruit salad and yoghurt breakfast topping. In fact, I might just do that come summer...

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